Ancestral Agave Syrup
Ancestral Agave Syrup
Cooked down slowly from aguamiel harvested by hand, twice daily, from a variety of Salmiana agaves, on small farms in Hidalgo and Tlaxcala, Mexico. Left to nature, it would have fermented into pulque. Cooked down in this way, it instead makes an amazing natural syrup. A rich sweetness combined with warm, earthy notes and a light fruity tang distinguish this nectar from the stuff you can buy at the grocery store and, we think, makes everything you put it in infinitely tastier.
100mL makes twenty Oaxaca Old Fashioneds
65 - 70 Brix, 5.5-6 pH
4-l0% Fructans, 20-58% Sucrose, 4-18% Glucose, 5-23% Fructose, 3-4% Proteins, 22-32% Water